Common Help Topics

Order Status

If you are inquiring about the status of a recently placed order or need to track a shipped order, see our online order status. You will need your order number and the last name used for the billing address.

Returns & Exchanges

If you are inquiring about a recent return and/or refund please note it can take up to 6 weeks from when we receive your returned merchandise for processing. If you provided an email when you placed your order you will receive an email when your return/refund has been processed.

Remove From Mailing List

If you have requested to be removed from our catalog mailing list, note that it can take 4-6 weeks to fully process your request and you may receive one more catalog within that time period.
  • Call to Place Orders
  • Call Customer Service
  • Fax Order
  • Send Mail To
    P.O. Box 3334
    Chelmsford, MA 01824-0934

How can we assist you?

Contact Information

Please specify item numbers and specific details of your request as applicable.
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